2020的年度關鍵字,你想到甚麼?我們會說是「健康」。 肆虐全球的疫症,帶來危機 - 公共衛生重大挑戰;亦是契機 - 令我們更懂得珍視健康,重新學習好好照顧自己,提升免疫力,自己健康自己救。

Sing Health strives to share paramount care to our global audiences. With “Food for Health Food for Life” as our vision and mission, the brand is constantly searching for healthy meals and supplements that could contribute a vital role towards a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
Sing Health is working closely with ONI Global Group as the exclusive distributor of Xndo and LAC products. We are eager to stay committed in sourcing more premium products via global nutraceutical retailers of healthy ready-to-eat meals and functional supplements globally, as physical and mental wellness are our top-of-mind priorities.