
Whether you are a student burdened with exam stress, or a working parent juggling multiple roles, the reality of a hectic world is that few of us have given our mind the attention it deserves. In fact, studies show that your brain begins losing memory abilities and cognitive skills by your late 20s! No matter your goals or profession, a focused and disciplined mind is critical for your success.


Introducing LAC BrainSpeed® PS

With higher amounts of Phosphatidylserine and added Choline to maximise your brain performance! Each tablet of LAC BrainSpeed® PS contains:

  • Phosphatidylserine (PS) – A major component of the cell membrane that protects the cells in your brain, keeping your mind and memory alert even as you grow older! Phosphatidylserine has also been clinically proven to support healthy cognitive function and improve neurotransmitter communication for better attention span, memory and mood.
  • Acetyl L-Carnitine - Supports brain function and increases learning capacity.
  • Vitamin B3 (a.k.a Niacin) - Protects cellular membranes in the brain against oxidative damage and maintains healthy cell signalling between nerve cells.
  • Ginkgo Leaf Extract – Full of flavonoids, terpenoids and antioxidants that promotes good blood circulation around the brain, increasing alertness and concentration.
  • DHA – A popular, well-researched ingredient that maintains brain structure and function, supports good memory and improves thinking skills and reaction time.
  • Choline - Supports the formation of neurotransmitters (acetylcholine) for optimal nerve function. Choline is also essential for brain development and memory facilitation.


Every age brings different goals and priorities, so how does LAC BrainSpeed® PS help us achieve the optimum level of productivity?

  • The Successful Student - A well-fuelled brain allows you to retain knowledge better, stay sharp, and remain focused as you prepare for projects and exams.
  • Bringing on Your “A” Game - Young, dedicated and ambitious. You make the most solid sales pitch, your clients are impressed, and your colleagues want to know how you do it. Your secret? It‘s not luck. It’s pure brain power.
  • World’s Best Juggler – For working moms, your daily challenges don’t stop after you clocked out of work. You need twice the energy, attention span and focus to ensure everyone’s wellness. All of which a healthy brain can provide you.
  • The Mastermind - As a successful entrepreneur, you need to be on top of your business. Know your employees, know your competitions, and know your numbers. This amount of knowing calls for high mental acuity and a well-maintained cognitive health.


Increase your mind strength with LAC BrainSpeed® PS today!


無論您是背負著考試壓力的學生,還是兼顧多重角色的職場父母,忙碌世界的現實是我們中很少有人給予我們的思想應有的關注。 事實上,研究表明,您的大腦在 20 多歲時開始喪失記憶能力和認知能力! 無論您的目標或職業如何,專注和自律的頭腦對您的成功至關重要。

LAC BrainSpeed® PS 簡介

添加更多的磷脂酰絲氨酸並添加膽鹼,以最大限度地提高您的大腦性能! 每片 LAC BrainSpeed® PS 含有:

  • 磷脂酰絲氨酸 (PS) – 細胞膜的主要成分,可保護大腦中的細胞,讓您的思維和記憶保持清醒,即使您年紀大了! 磷脂酰絲氨酸還經臨床證明可支持健康的認知功能並改善神經遞質交流,從而改善注意力、記憶力和情緒。
  • 乙酰左旋肉鹼 - 支持大腦功能並提高學習能力。
  • 維生素 B3(又名菸酸)- 保護大腦中的細胞膜免受氧化損傷,並維持神經細胞之間的健康細胞信號傳導。
  • 銀杏葉提取物——富含類黃酮、萜類化合物和抗氧化劑,可促進大腦周圍良好的血液循環,提高警覺性和注意力。
  • DHA——一種流行的、經過深入研究的成分,可以維持大腦結構和功能,支持良好的記憶力,提高思維能力和反應時間。
  • 膽鹼 - 支持神經遞質(乙酰膽鹼)的形成以實現最佳神經功能。 膽鹼對於大腦發育和記憶促進也是必不可少的。

每個年齡段都有不同的目標和優先事項,那麼 LAC BrainSpeed® PS 如何幫助我們實現最佳生產力水平?

  • 成功的學生 - 一個充滿活力的大腦可以讓您在準備項目和考試時更好地保留知識、保持敏銳並保持專注。
  • 開啟您的“A”遊戲 - 年輕、敬業且雄心勃勃。 您做出了最可靠的推銷,您的客戶印象深刻,您的同事也想知道您是如何做到的。 你的秘密? 這不是運氣。 這是純粹的腦力。
  • World's Best Juggler – 對於職業媽媽來說,下班後您的日常挑戰不會停止。 您需要雙倍的精力、注意力和注意力來確保每個人的健康。 健康的大腦可以為您提供所有這些。
  • 策劃者——作為一名成功的企業家,您需要掌控自己的業務。 了解您的員工,了解您的競爭對手,了解您的數據。 如此多的知識需要高度的精神敏銳度和良好的認知健康。

立即使用 LAC BrainSpeed® PS 增強您的思維力量!

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