Dec 31 , 2021
店長體驗 Store Ambassadors 5.12.2021
上星期日的店長體驗已完滿結束, 嘉賓同fans一齊影相📸互動之餘,
我地仲提供了產品試食, 感受SING health滋味。感謝三位店長@sabrinnchaa @junedaisy @signorinabelle既落力推介💕, 希望大家可以更加認識SING Health品牌同產品, 活動完左但優惠仲未完~~
網店輸入優惠碼(belle20 / sabrina20 / daisy20) 即享有八折, 門市亦都適用, 歡迎到店選購🛍!
A big thank you to the three beautiful store ambassadors💕 @sabrinnchaa @junedaisy @signorinabelle for visiting and promoting our SING Health store. The turnout was amazing! Everyone had a great time and it was truly an enjoyable experience. ✨
But the promotions don’t just end here! Visit our online now or drop by our retail store and enter the discount code (belle20 / sabrina20 / daisy20) to enjoy a 20% discount! Let the good times roll!🛍